Tall Man Travels

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Hej Hej, it is Thursday which means it is nearly the end of the week… Score.

Although work is often a fun place to be, for me this week it has been a bit of a struggle, which I am trying to avoid bleeding into other regions of my life.

After work Evie and I met up with Victor, for some amazing Thai food, I mean the vegan red curry at Moon Thai Kitchen was unbelievable, I will be going back for sure!!

Now for the exciting part of the night, we went to see 50Cent at the Scandivinium, and for a 47yr old he was still on it, smartly reducing the length of a lot of the songs to keep the energy up, and I am sure keeping his breathing going. There was some great use of other artists songs, including a beautiful note to Coolio who sadly died earlier this year. The only downside was the order of the songs left the encore with no really rise, the mood fell flat on some songs which were great but didn’t hold the energy as much as others.

Still a great night, and to see his first show in Sweden was pretty amazing.