So I survived the Monday, it was actually a really good day. By booking my appointment for the migration services in advance I managed to scan the barcode, have my fingerprints and photo taken, and be back out again within 5 minutes. This was insanely efficient.
My next port of call was to open a bank account without a Swedish personal number, something which is quite difficult to do hereā¦
So I did some googling (as you do) and found that Handlesbanken lets you do this with your passport and some other personal information about yourself. Like a lot of places in Sweden, they are only open when everyone is working. Unlike the UK it seems. So I had to wait until 10am to go to the branch.
With the two main tasks complete in the morning I set off to the office. I took a local free ferry from near the Casino to the office and Lindhomen. I love this idea, and there are also several other ferries around for which you need the local transport pass on your phone. This pass also covers travel on the trams and buses.
After another day of work and meeting more of the team who are dripping in back from holidays, I was able to go climbing back at Backa boulder. It was much busier this time, but a really cool environment and everyone seems to support each other, which is why I love the climbing community.
Then finally I was invited to help dog sit with my colleague and also learn more Swedish. Plus meet this really cool guy:
Today I will have to pack and tidy my apartment before leaving back for the UK again tomorrow.