Soooo, after about 3 hours of sleep, I needed to wake up this morning in order to get off to work on time. This meant a 3 am leave time for Machester… grim!
I did, however, have a great talk with my brother in the car, something we don’t often get time to do, which is always why 3/4 am is a great time to witness life once in a while… Have you noticed interesting things happen at that time also?
After a delayed flight, and landing into a snow storm, it was interesting to get to work, and carry out my task running on empty… not advised!
In the evening, however, I rallied back, and Javier, Martin and I started making some Glogg together, this is a long process, and I’ll share it online if you want to look at it. The fermentation process, however, takes about 6 weeks. So roll on early Jan :P.