Why I Love Second-Hand Furniture

Why I love 2nd hand furniture!

There is often a stigma around buying second-hand items, and there are some things you probably wouldn’t buy second-hand (swimming costumes for instance). However, furniture is something I love buying second-hand. 

I moved into an apartment last August, which was unfurnished. Now I didn’t have much furniture of my own before I moved in, except a bed and some plates. So I took to the internet to look for some second-hand furniture. 

Using my girlfriend's and my parents to make use of any unwanted items was the first place to start. I got a sofa, chest of drawers, kitchen table and rocking chair. 

I also had a friend moving country, which meant I could get a computer desk & chair from him, which came in handy when thinking about working from home as a larger part of my life. 

The next place to look for remaining items was on the Facebook marketplace, something which does not get enough credit for some great deals. I collectively got three incredible tables for £60, the coolest bar stools, and free TV stands. 

I love shopping second-hand when it comes to furniture, you get some cracking deals! Often when you’re moving house, you’ve already spent a fair bit of money moving and thinking about having to furnish spaces only makes your bank balance quiver. 

Another reason I am so on board with this way of furnishing is that you can get some amazing items full of character, yes it may take more time than ordering the Ikea room off the website or in-store, but there is a romance to sourcing it all yourself over time. 

Lastly, buying second-hand items reduces the demand for new raw materials to be sourced; the parts' footprint has already been made. Therefore if you choose to shop pre-loved you are not adding more to your footprint. All whilst picking up a bit of someone’s history; think of the moments this furniture could have witnessed, in my case, the coffee tables could have hosted wonderful times for family celebrating, hosting games nights, etc which I think is cool. I hope to pass on the furniture I have when I move onto a new location, should I not be able to take it with me. 

Do you buy second-hand furniture?

Where are your favourite places to hunt? 

Let me know in the comments!!!


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